Gloria Zeisel


ZEISEL--Gloria Sperling. AMIT Children mourns the passing of Gloria Sperling Zeisel of Monsey, NY who died Saturday at age 99. Gloria and her husband Henry z"l established The Gloria and Henry I. Zeisel and Family Junior College at Kfar Blatt in Israel. She is survived by four children Howard Zeisel, Elliot and (Mary) Zeisel, Cheryl and (Abraham) Kramer, Debra, immediate past President and BOD member, and (Sam) Moed and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion. Audrey Axelrod Trachtman, President Andy Goldsmith, Executive Vice President

Source: The New York Tiomes

Published on: 24-03-2020