Alfred Smith
SMITH--Alfred E. IV. The Board of Directors, administration, physicians and staff of Stamford Health mourn the loss of our friend and benefactor, Alfred E. Smith IV (Al) who, along with his wife Nan, made many contributions benefitting the Bennett Cancer Center Clinical Trials and Research Program. Al was also a passionate volunteer, serving on the Stamford Hospital Foundation Executive Committee and Healing Reimagined Capital Campaign Cabinet. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Nan Smith and her family. We are honored to have known Al. He had a remarkable vision and capacity for helping others, and his generous spirit was an inspiration to us all. Kathleen Silard Stamford Health President & CEO Dr Mark DeWaele Stamford Health Chair, Board of Directors Andrew M. Merrill Stamford Hospital Foundation Chair, Board of Directors
Source: The New York Tiomes
Published on: 30-11-2019